The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (2024)

Table of Contents
What better game to play at your next family game night than Family Feud? Don't worry if you're rusty on the rules — the game of Family Feud is simple. We pulled together a long list of questions and answers that have actually appeared on the show. Good luck! 1.Name an animal that starts with the letter "E." 2.Name a word that rhymes with "teeny." 3.Name something that gets pumped up. 4.Name something you do that rhymes with "grow up." 5.Name something that's easier to catch than catching a man. 6.Name something to which a lot of kids seem almost addicted. 7.Fill in the blank: You're in deep ____. 8.Name something people ride that causes them to throw up. 9.Fill in the blank: I did everything for my guy and I never got a ____. 10.Name something in your refrigerator that you should thank a cow for. 11.Name something that drips. 12.Name something kids just love to jump on. 13.Give me a three-letter word that starts with the letter "Z." 14.Name something you'd do if your date took you to Chuck E. Cheese. 15.Name your favorite thing to do at parties. 16.Name something people say is on the house. 17.Which of the Seven Dwarfs describes how you feel after a couple of drinks? 18.Fill in the blank: Hold the ____. 19.Roses are red. Violets are blue. What kind of flowers do cheap guys buy you? 20.Name a weather condition that would be a good name for a wrestler. 21.Name a word that rhymes with "will" that's associated with doctors. 22.What's something that can turn an ordinary bath into a romantic one? 23.Name a place that's filled with people who don't want to be there. 24.Name something specific you make sure to clean before company comes over. 25.Name a movie monster you think could take Dracula in a fight. 26.Name an office supply you'd use to pick food out of your teeth. 27.Fill in the blank: In the bedroom, my husband's superhero name would be ____ Man. 28.Name something that might be referred to as a dead end. 29.Name something a husband might find all over the bed that makes him suspect his wife is having an affair with a baker. 30.If Batman went broke, he just might have to sell his Bat-what? 31.Name someplace a teenager complains about having to go. 32.What's the most fun thing to do with another woman? 33.Name a way eggs are prepared that could also describe a person. 34.Name something specific that has a long neck. 35.Name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in. 36.Fill in the blank: Tongue ______. 37.Name something that has the word "super" in it. 38.If a man ran out of deodorant, name a fruit he might rub under his pits to hide the odor. 39.Name something that comes in packs of six or 12. 40.Name a US city where lots of rich people live. 41.Fill in the blank: Lady _____. 42.Name a way your man is like a good cut of meat. 43.Fill in the blank: Having a bird poop on you is bad, but imagine how much worse it would be if ______ could fly. 44.Name a good place to go when you want to cry. 45.If you ran your fingers through a man's hair, what would you hate to find in it? 46.Name something people deliver for a living. 47.Name an animal that's easy to imitate in charades. 48.After you murder someone, name something specific you must quickly get rid of. 49.Name a kind of hoop. 50.Tell me something you have that has lasted longer than most of your relationships. 51.Give me one word you'd use to describe the last kiss your man gave you. 52.What US state do you think has the most beautiful women? 53.Name something that's cheap and greasy. 54.Fill in the blank: My man is a love ____. 55.Tell me something of yours that you swear is possessed. 56.Name a kind of ball it might feel like a woman is pushing out when she gives birth. 57.Name a word a dog understands. 58.Give me a phrase that starts with the words, "Off the..." 59.Tell me a country where you think the men are sexier than American men. 60.Name something you stuff just as full as you can get it. 61.If a man speaks seven languages, which one would he use when he wants to sound sexy? 62.Name a good musical instrument for someone who is full of hot air. 63.Give me a word that rhymes with "hustle." 64.You know a guy is really into you if he kisses your what? 65.Name an animal that doesn't have a leg to stand on. 66.What would it be hard to do if you accidentally put on superglue instead of lipstick? 67.Name an animal that might like to watch the DVD Squirrels Gone Wild. 68.Name the first thing Steve Harvey would remove if he were in a game of strip poker. 69.Name a place you stop going to when you're broke. 70.Name something a mother might pick out for her adult son. 71.If they made a Judge Judy doll, name something it might come with. 72.Name something that parents can't wait for their children to get out of. 73.Name a place you'd hate to find toenail clippings. 74.In one word, describe the underwear your man is wearing right now. 75.Name an American city where they know how to party hard. 76.Name something you associate with camels. 77.If Steve Harvey were your neighbor, name something of his you might ask to borrow. 78.Name a place you'd hate to spend even one night. 79.Name something you'd hate to have happen while you're taking a bath. 80.And name something of your wife's you like to wear because it's so soft.

NOTE: This is NOT a quiz. It's a set of questions and answers to use for planning or hosting your next game night. Enjoy thisFamily Feud quiz if that's what you're looking for!

What better game to play at your next family game night than Family Feud?


Don't worry if you're rusty on the rules — the game of Family Feud is simple.

Two teams compete to guess the most popular answers to specific survey questions. Each answer is worth a certain amount of points, depending on how many of the 100 people surveyed gave that response. Each question has four to eight top responses, and the first team to reach 300 points wins.

We pulled together a long list of questions and answers that have actually appeared on the show. Good luck!

1.Name an animal that starts with the letter "E."

Elephant (85)


Eagle (7)

Eel (3)

Emu (3)

2.Name a word that rhymes with "teeny."

Weenie (71)

Beanie (15)

Meanie (12)

Genie (2)

3.Name something that gets pumped up.

Tire (48)

Balloon (13)

Ball (10)

Muscles (8)

4.Name something you do that rhymes with "grow up."

Throw up (74)

Show up (16)

Blow up (8)

Slow up (2)

5.Name something that's easier to catch than catching a man.

Cold/flu (58)

Fish (26)

Bus (11)

Frisbee (3)

6.Name something to which a lot of kids seem almost addicted.

Computer/games (41)

Candy/junk food (29)

Television (20)

Music (5)

7.Fill in the blank: You're in deep ____.


Doo-doo (53)

Trouble (22)

Water (21)

Sleep (4)

8.Name something people ride that causes them to throw up.

Roller coaster (56)

Boat/ship (13)

Car (10)

Ferris wheel (9)

9.Fill in the blank: I did everything for my guy and I never got a ____.

Thank-you (74)

Nickel/dime (10)

Ring/diamond (9)

Kiss (4)

10.Name something in your refrigerator that you should thank a cow for.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (1)

11.Name something that drips.

Water/faucet (92)

A nose (4)

A candle (2)

Coffee (2)

12.Name something kids just love to jump on.

Bed (71)

Trampoline (20)

Couch (5)

Pile of leaves (3)

13.Give me a three-letter word that starts with the letter "Z."

Zoo (40)

Zip (18)

Zap (15)

Zen (13)

Zit (13)

14.Name something you'd do if your date took you to Chuck E. Cheese.

Play games (29)

Leave/walk out (28)

Eat lots of pizza (15)

Dump him (15)

Laugh (12)

15.Name your favorite thing to do at parties.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (2)

16.Name something people say is on the house.

Drink (88)

Dessert/meal (3)

Address (2)

Chimney (2)

Roof (2)

17.Which of the Seven Dwarfs describes how you feel after a couple of drinks?

Happy (56)

Dopey (25)

Sleepy (10)

Bashful (5)

Grumpy (3)

18.Fill in the blank: Hold the ____.

Phone (26)

Door (14)

Mayo (10)

Elevator (9)

Line (6)

19.Roses are red. Violets are blue. What kind of flowers do cheap guys buy you?


Daisies (39)

Carnations (38)

None/invisible (9)

Tulips (6)

Dandelions (3)

Plastic/fake (3)

20.Name a weather condition that would be a good name for a wrestler.

Tornado (19)

Stormy/storm (18)

Thunder/thunderstorm (16)

Hurricane (12)

Tsunami (6)

21.Name a word that rhymes with "will" that's associated with doctors.

Bill (63)

Pill (22)

Kill (10)

Chill (3)

Ill (2)

22.What's something that can turn an ordinary bath into a romantic one?

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (3)

23.Name a place that's filled with people who don't want to be there.

Jail/prison (36)

Hell (10)

Work/meetings (10)

Cemetery (8)

Church (8)

24.Name something specific you make sure to clean before company comes over.

Bathroom (59)

Kitchen (18)

Carpet/floor (11)

Living room (3)

Myself (3)

25.Name a movie monster you think could take Dracula in a fight.

Godzilla (43)

Frankenstein (26)

King Kong (13)

Wolfman/werewolf (10)

Freddy Krueger (5)

Jason (2)

26.Name an office supply you'd use to pick food out of your teeth.

Paper clip (53)

Paper/envelope (12)

Pen/pencil (9)

Staple (9)

Letter opener (8)

Tack/pin (6)

27.Fill in the blank: In the bedroom, my husband's superhero name would be ____ Man.

Iron Man (25)

Superman (24)

Minuteman (14)

Macho Man (11)

Batman (11)

Spider-Man (2)

28.Name something that might be referred to as a dead end.

A street/road (47)

A job (28)

A relationship (14)

An argument (5)

A lead/info (2)

Hair (2)

29.Name something a husband might find all over the bed that makes him suspect his wife is having an affair with a baker.


Flour (70)

Baked goods/crumbs (10)

Sugar (10)

Icing/frosting (5)

Dough (2)

Yeast (2)

30.If Batman went broke, he just might have to sell his Bat-what?

Batmobile (81)

Batcave (9)

Batcopter (2)

Batcycle (2)

Batplane (2)

31.Name someplace a teenager complains about having to go.

School/college (56)

Church (26)

Family function (9)

Dentist/doctor (4)

Grocery store (2)

Work (2)

32.What's the most fun thing to do with another woman?


Shop (46)

Yak/gossip (31)

Dine out (6)

Drink co*cktails (5)

Laugh (4)

Make out (3)

33.Name a way eggs are prepared that could also describe a person.

Scrambled (53)

Hard-boiled (13)

Over easy (12)

Fried (11)

Sunny-side up (7)

Eggs Benedict (2)

34.Name something specific that has a long neck.

Giraffe (78)

Ostrich (10)

Bottle/beer bottle (4)

Crane (3)

Swan (3)

A glass (2)

35.Name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in.

Airplane (44)

Motorcycle (21)

Roller coaster (16)

Boat (4)

Horse (4)

Elevator (3)

36.Fill in the blank: Tongue ______.

Tongue-tied (33)

Tongue-in-cheek (23)

Tongue twister (10)

Tongue lashing (8)

Tongue depressor (7)

Tongue kiss (4)

37.Name something that has the word "super" in it.

Superman (47)

Super Bowl (9)

Supermarket (9)

Super blue (6)

Superintendent (6)

Supersize (5)

Superstar (5)

38.If a man ran out of deodorant, name a fruit he might rub under his pits to hide the odor.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (4)

39.Name something that comes in packs of six or 12.

Beer (35)

Soda (36)

Donuts (3)

Eggs (9)

Hot dogs (4)

Gum (3)

Toilet tissue (3)

40.Name a US city where lots of rich people live.

LA/Beverly Hills (48)

New York (21)

Miami (9)

Las Vegas (8)

Palm Beach (4)

Philadelphia (4)

San Francisco (4)

41.Fill in the blank: Lady _____.


Lady Gaga (27)

Lady Luck (24)

Lady Godiva (18)

Lady parts (3)

Lady-killer (4)

Ladybug (13)

42.Name a way your man is like a good cut of meat.

Beefy (11)

Juicy (10)

Lean (24)

Prime (7)

Rare (6)

Tender (19)

Well-done (5)

43.Fill in the blank: Having a bird poop on you is bad, but imagine how much worse it would be if ______ could fly.

Elephants (29)

Cows (22)

Pigs (21)

Horses (12)

Dogs (7)

Humans (3)

Rats (2)

44.Name a good place to go when you want to cry.

Bed/bedroom (46)

Shower/bathroom (27)

Movie/theater (9)

A friend's (3)

My car (4)

The woods (2)

In a closet (2)

45.If you ran your fingers through a man's hair, what would you hate to find in it?

Lice/bugs (45)

Dandruff (13)

Dirt (13)

Oil/grease (9)

Gel (6)

Extensions (3)

Food (2)

46.Name something people deliver for a living.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (5)

47.Name an animal that's easy to imitate in charades.

Monkey/ape (32)

Dog (21)

Cat (16)

Bird (14)

Elephant (4)

Kangaroo (4)

Rabbit (4)

48.After you murder someone, name something specific you must quickly get rid of.


The weapon (58)

The body (27)

Blood (6)

Fingerprints (5)

My clothes/shoes (4)

49.Name a kind of hoop.

Hula-Hoop (74)

Basketball hoop (18)

Earring hoop (4)

Embroidery hoop (3)

50.Tell me something you have that has lasted longer than most of your relationships.

Shoes/clothes (17)

Jewelry/watch (13)

House (10)

Car (9)

Friendships (8)

Pet (8)

Children (5)

Job (4)

51.Give me one word you'd use to describe the last kiss your man gave you.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (6)

52.What US state do you think has the most beautiful women?

California (53)

Florida (15)

Hawaii (12)

New York (9)

Indiana (2)

New Jersey (2)

Texas (2)

Georgia (2)

53.Name something that's cheap and greasy.

Burger (36)

French fries (32)

Chicken/wings (7)

Oil/grease/lard (7)

Pizza (5)

Bacon (4)

My ex (2)

Taco (2)

54.Fill in the blank: My man is a love ____.


Machine (42)

Bug (14)

Muffin (10)

Addict (10)

Hound (8)

Magnet (4)

Boat (3)

55.Tell me something of yours that you swear is possessed.

Children (16)

Car (14)

House (10)

Pet (10)

Computer (9)

Myself (8)

Cellphone (5)

Spouse (4)

56.Name a kind of ball it might feel like a woman is pushing out when she gives birth.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (7)

57.Name a word a dog understands.

Sit (54)

Come (11)

Walk (6)

Food (6)

Their name (5)

Stay (4)

Fetch (3)

Treat (2)

58.Give me a phrase that starts with the words, "Off the..."

Off the wall (34)

Off the hook (29)

Off the cuff (10)

Off the record (7)

Off the chart (6)

Off the deep end (2)

Off the rack (2)

Off the top of your head (2)

59.Tell me a country where you think the men are sexier than American men.


Italy (35)

France (15)

Australia (12)

England (6)

Spain (6)

Brazil (4)

Ireland (4)

Norway (4)

60.Name something you stuff just as full as you can get it.

Turkey (39)

Trash cans (14)

Christmas stocking (6)

Suitcase (6)

Pillow (6)

Teddy bear (5)

Purse (5)

Stomach (4)

61.If a man speaks seven languages, which one would he use when he wants to sound sexy?

French (60)

Italian (23)

English/co*ckney (8)

Spanish (3)

Body language (2)

62.Name a good musical instrument for someone who is full of hot air.

Tuba (56)

Trumpet (17)

Trombone (8)

Bagpipes (8)

Saxophone (5)

Flute (4)

63.Give me a word that rhymes with "hustle."


Bustle (73)

Muscle (15)

Rustle (9)

Tussle (3)

64.You know a guy is really into you if he kisses your what?

Forehead/head (30)

Cheek (22)

Neck (15)

Lips (14)

Hand (11)

Ears (7)

65.Name an animal that doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Snake (59)

Fish/shark/eel (23)

Whale (5)

Seal/sea lion (4)

Dolphin/porpoise (3)

Snail/slug (3)

Worm (2)

66.What would it be hard to do if you accidentally put on superglue instead of lipstick?

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (8)

67.Name an animal that might like to watch the DVD Squirrels Gone Wild.

Dog (39)

Cat (21)

Squirrel (21)

Chipmunk (8)

Coyote (3)

Bird/eagle (3)

Rabbit (2)

68.Name the first thing Steve Harvey would remove if he were in a game of strip poker.


His tie (42)

His shoes (15)

His shirt (14)

His jacket (9)

His hat (6)

His mustache (4)

His watch (3)

His pants (2)

69.Name a place you stop going to when you're broke.

Restaurants (32)

Store/mall (16)

Bar/nightclub (16)

Casino (15)

The movies (8)

The bank (4)

Ball game (2)

Racetrack (3)

70.Name something a mother might pick out for her adult son.

Clothes (79)

A woman/wife (9)

Furniture (3)

Groceries/food (2)

71.If they made a Judge Judy doll, name something it might come with.

Gavel/mallet (64)

Big mouth/attitude (15)

Robe/gown (14)

Glasses (2)

72.Name something that parents can't wait for their children to get out of.

The house (36)

Diapers (35)

School/college (21)

Teens/puberty (4)

73.Name a place you'd hate to find toenail clippings.

My food/plate (48)

My bed (36)

On floor/in rug (6)

Table/counter (5)

On couch (2)

74.In one word, describe the underwear your man is wearing right now.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (9)

75.Name an American city where they know how to party hard.

New Orleans (31)

New York (21)

Las Vegas (19)

Los Angeles (10)

Miami (4)

Chicago (4)

76.Name something you associate with camels.

Hump (71)

Desert (13)

Cigarettes (5)

Toe/foot (3)

Water (3)

Smell/bad breath (2)

77.If Steve Harvey were your neighbor, name something of his you might ask to borrow.


Car (24)

Suits/clothes (19)

$15 million (17)

Jokes/humor (7)

Mower/lawn service (5)

Sugar (5)

78.Name a place you'd hate to spend even one night.

In-laws' home (20)

Jail/prison (19)

Hospital (12)

Office/work (8)

On the couch (7)

Campground (7)

79.Name something you'd hate to have happen while you're taking a bath.

Phone rings (35)

No hot water (24)

Doorbell rings (8)

Get electrocuted (6)

Power outage (4)

Slip/fall (4)

Someone comes in (4)

80.And name something of your wife's you like to wear because it's so soft.

Her robe (33)

Her pajamas (16)

Her sweater (15)

Her slippers (11)

Her T-shirt (9)

Her coat (5)

Her nightie (3)

Her scarf (3)

This article contains content from Tessa Fahey. It was compiled by Kelly Rissman.

The Ultimate "Family Feud" Questions (And Answers) For Your Next Game Night (2024)
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Article information

Author: Corie Satterfield

Last Updated:

Views: 5749

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.