Hull Evening News from Hull, Humberside, England (2024)

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2 HULL DAILY NEWS TUESDAY MARCH 13 1906 Boys and Girls should try for the Hull Weekly News Money Prizes A CITY MISSIONARY OUR FOOTBALL FORUM Conducted by ASSOCIATION NOTES OUR SERIAL STORY Che IRarquis of Putnep BY RICHARD MARSH rmstanccs are only kindly becomes mellowed by the efflux of time she would still lovely at 70 Aud though she would probably have been most unwilling to admit tortune had meted out to her just thut treatment which was cuiteil to the preservation and even the enhancement ot harms lor the last HO years she had so fur as it was possible for a woman in her position lived out of the social tumult llie clear sweet simple lite of a great country ialv She had Income religious the teeliug Inning grown upon hei although she might not have uttered it ceu to kereeli that since it seemed that there was only God to whom she could look for help it became her to cause continually to arise a prayers aud the incense of her good deeds A religious life means at any rate an oiderly life and tor a woman an oiderly lite is not infrequently a royal road to kendk tihehad grown to lie known is one of the most relr-gious women in England a friend ot all good cause a shining example for the rest of the peerage and that was much better than a reputation tor tay playing bridge seven nights a week till three in the morning or its eocial equivalent if she desired as all pi opcrly-oonstituled women do desire to her looks Only women themselves know bow late hours do try them And then another pieservative she had stumbled on by chance and that was a sentf mental attachment She had to her- said the cook Brucswick Institute on their own ground made quite a respectable stand against the jun'or Amber aud Blacks and were distinctly unlucky in being three goals in arrears when time was called Up to the interval the game ws very level the Holderness-road team having equally a much of tne game as their visitors During the second half the City Reserves had a good deal more of the game but still not sufficient to justify a goalie deleat of the home team I go by the Soor7 Had the Brunswick attack been on a par with the defence ai least a couple of easy chances would not have been missed aud the store might hae eteily been a better criterion nf till Iwuriii luaniL I i i 'lav fa Iwirn gtnr y00 jpcmnrrHB IK BUT FROM TUB from II- PER WEEK rnou 1- RK WKBK ANlFACTtUtKA DON'T PAY TWO PROFITS STORES LIMITED wae someGiing about her ethereal beauty Sav'' which reminded them ot the Madonna Not gradually to lie detenoratmg tho least odd part of it was that she still pro- Hedley who was the cyuosuie of all i es ff-sed to believj that Ivor had kidnapped her showed much promise ot jntkin a capable bov and at raro intervals favoured him baek Hall is a useful half uhilfet Frost interviews in which while she acknow- except tor a tendency to wander was cxcel-lcdgej her guilt and thd she merited punish- lent ment she implored him wih exquisite and alwavs graceful pathos not to make her I Martin ir the unusual role of centre for-piini-hmcut umndinfg which interviews ward performed creditably being well bucked while the? seemed to do her good were hard up by Simmon and Thornton The forward cn Ivor He was still a bachelor This was the lady who had entered tho duke's room just as his Grace had refused to allow Mr Willis to hove an opportunity of seeing her Mr Dacre still a very handsome man closing the door behind her and following in her train As she advanced Mr Willis bowed It was to lie noted that so soon as she apieared his demeanour changed nothing could have been more courteous or 1 although only by the in better taste than the language he u1 row ot- a joal The that mron Lord only played ten men throughout a haap wk 1 of the Marquis of Putney Are to a degree Holderoe-s did most aggrewiv you the perse from whom I received a note? work but this was seldom effective enougn Are you Mr Harvey to severely test the Bridlington backs "I am that most unworthy 1 Before she could speak again Ivor Dacre Towards the close the winners gave their interpo-ed best form Killingley especially working hard me! you and I met and finding openiugs for the centre and in-before Hide forwards Martindale however proved lt 7m a Oat the rtadj FROM moiy to pUJ we will tiual jju ood bake jy PROM li UaryoD CiaW Pare reuatet ttw Hfa-J Tlra U4 Rt aIto 4 iew dmM weaa op I aai -t ay ca orCi-M 1 ir 'tal of all I Cka ru air ORnipiO Vial Free for Frwnf Ht i Rmfdy Co OaforJ Circut London onyon Co A Lo IT IS ABL TO SUPPORT LIFt Lancet' Makes an important statement Many readers of this series wili be interested in reading the Success and Nerve which Mr Iceiy a City Missionary contributes out of his experience Modern Snathe power of there as the Americans expressively depends entirely upon Nerve Force if that Nerve Force is diminished by bodily or mental exhaustion then the amounioiv is also decreased The greater the Nerve Force the greaier tbes that can be attained and in proof of this Mr Iceiy says afters much from nervous ailments he took a course of Phosfenre a-then easily able to accomplish much mors work than formerly rr exertion so thoroughly did the famous Tonic restore and reiafe entire nerve system Mr Iceiy considers that the curative pp of Phosterine are marvellous That will help breadwinners Mr Iceiy (London City Missionary) 79 Brayard RdPE wiites: am pleased to give my testimony to the value Phosferine in the case of nervousness depression aud brain-fae tried it several times on one occasion especially I had been laid some time and did not appear to receive much good from thee medicine but after taking a bottle of Phosferine I was soon and in a short time regained strength I am brought in contact good many suflcrers in my visits as a London City Missionary confidently recommend February 17 1905 The Royal Example Phosferine is used by the Royal Families of which in plain language means that every of Phosferine knows and feels that the commended by the greatest living Physicim gave a movements how- We have on more than one other occasions at Nice at the Princess remember you very well Mr Dacre I ever by equally clever half back play am hardly likely to forget in fine form between the sticks and brilliant exhibition Good combined were often to the fore to be met COCOA otiaD(eiiioU to oit root Clictniatoncei unaer I bo PER WEEK HIRE PAYMENT PER WEEK SYSTEM WK SUPPLY FURNITURE ON FIROT PAYMENT OF 31- Our Goxk tie nel mac le well finished and up to date in SPECIAL OFFERS: Weekly gTRONG BEDSTEAD oral WIRE MATT EBB fJXrlLET TABLE and STAND yTaNOlRO UACHIKB jya ITCHES 8IDLBOARD with Bevelled Mirror jyg -nTAUiUT COUCH in Bet Jg fXWO TOILET TABLES Mar 'ok Slab and 1 If JL Bwl i as A gEDROOM FLRNISHED COMPLETE FURNISHED COMPLETE JOINING or DRAWING ROOM Bl lTE XlTAGIl COMPLETELY FURNISHED Og FROM ANY OF OUR 6b BRANCHES JACKSON 'fY STORES LIMITED HAVE 06 BRANCHES NOTE LOCAL ADDRESSES STORES L'MlTFD HOUSE FURNISHERS 16o jik! IC3 IIKSSIK-ROAD Hi MARKET-PLACE 17 uai ssi RKKT Hl'I-L And all tbe It-dui too cl Aetk-hire Lanc-lMie ttatlordahire and CheaLira contu in more ttouri shai en tlini cupa nf any ciunary cocoa aril if JrM ft ota chemi 'iU NOURISH KS If MS STRENGTHENS CHAPTER (Continued) Mr Willi took a cigar-case troin hi6 porket and from it a cigar which lie pi-occedcd to light His grace regarded him with an air partly of surprise partly of gmubement aud alto partly of 6ornct)iinc ele I am not aware that you have much more to say which I care to listeD to Cut if you prefer that 1 shou'd liten biUiug I am at your He resumed liis Feat Mr Willie puffing at Ins cigar einiled pleasantly at him asked me what is the purport of mv visit hrre what I prupo to do By way of concluding my few remarks tell you I of course hold myself at hliertv to change my mind and to do anything else I pleae but as at present advised my intention is to tell your ns soon as ho comes out of gaol that the Marquis of Putney: and from my ow ledge of the young gentleman 1 should sav that within the shortest possible space of time after the receipt of fhat inf i ation be knocking at your front floor and that if ho get in that way get in ut cne of the windos--at which method of entering a family mansion one of I ho greatest experts And am I to receive him on the terms tha no inquiries are to be os you choose plca-e yourself and you please me Take him to your bosom or iehe him by the scruff of the neck and throw him down the slops as you hinted at throwing me you'll please me either way While you catch him gifting through the win ilow and have him pinched that amuse me more than I can tell you I can fancy how tli papers will have it ou the placards 'The Marquis of Putney charged by liis father the Duke of Hatchet with that be great! But it appears lo me tha you're looking at this fn rather a lop-sided sort of way ns if you were the only per-on on this scene and you know yon not This boy lias not only got a fa'her of a i-ort he has also got a mother of another introduce that name introduce that lady's name? Bnt shall I shall introduce any name I choose and you sit tight and listen You know almost as well as I do that the duch*ess of Hatchet would welcome the restitution of her long-lost son for to many reasons that haven't time lo touch upon them all and that only got to show her the pictures which are in that book and need to have no inquiries made strain that lad to her aching breast if let her ehe'll go with me to him without waiting lor him to come to give you my personal assurance that all you have said shall have mv most careful attention and in the meantime I must lug jou to have no communication with the dui hews except with my express pennsion sikce alive! the dear old man never a-ked pet mission yet for anything I ever did and I should as soon think of asking your permission a you would of ask ing mine I assure you it's my intention to have a short interview with tire lichees of Hatchet before 1 lea-e tlneo premises that is unless you take me by the neck and throw tne down the steps an operation lor which hecn waiting all this I beg you Mr Willis duke to be no tnen Mercy! do you imagine I was going to a-k for mercy? You use very strong language about tho grievance you profess to have against me I was merely going to iemitid you that you den't even pretend to have a grievance against tho who is an uu-foitucato As for her leing an unfortunate lady known many of them the overdone with As for not having a grievance against I'm not so suit She occupies my sister's plain and perhaps th tV one of tho things I might be going to toll You talk about what I dare do or--you may have morn music than 1 intended If I were to tell her what would bn the harm? done each oilier She occupies my place while you're where she meant that Mr Iior Ducro should be but I'm more than inclined to suspect Ihtf been sorry ever since that she didn't nrry out her original The duke again up Yon go too far it down at- go too are nndcr a misapprehension if yon imagine that I will sit siill to listen to such Very well then ring the bekl and let the duch*ess know that here I fancy expecting Expecting have just let her have a lino advising her that she might possibly receive news of her long-lost son during the of to-day didn't want it to conic upon her with too much of a you Don't finish ycu might be at your For the winners Killingley Tyson and Duwi-on were the best of the attacking line TV) halves were all good with Vasev perhaps the most prominent: Lnntb kicked well at full beck Of the Bridlington team Sornthcott and Krn-haw proved the best of the forward wth Wortlev Cooper and Mar Undale the soundest on the defence Albany gained a well-earned victory at the expense of Old Hymerians on the ground The Old Beys had unfortunately to play one man short throughout but this was somewhat counterbalanced by the inclusion of Mack rill The turf was in splendid condi'ion and the game from beginning to end was of a ding-dong character The Old Bovs storied in good style and before loig Henry Mackrill had put them ah) ad with a od individual effort Sutner-scalcs equalved liefore the interval after some excellent work by Grantham Nor am I though at that time von were not known to me a Mr Hatvey Willis 1 understand that you wee a frenchman and that your name was the Viiomte do 6t fivm-phorien you had a young frenchman with you whom you ca'led your only that young Frenchman wae us English as I am Your grace Mr Dacre hu-s an excellent memory 1 always found it It is most fortunate that he should be here at the present moment 1 make you my acknowledgment Mr Dacre The young man lo whom lie refer nay is-the Marquis of The duch*esa looked troin one to the other I I umlengtand yet whtiu you have received at explanation you wil: find that nothing is more simple for particulars as to how I became associated wdh the marquis at a very erriy period of career I reier you lo duke no story could lie more romantic You will learn everything from your husband Let me show you what 1 know you will agree with rue in thinking is an extremely interesting series of (TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW I AT ALL TIMER AND IN tL SEASONS THERE I' NO PK 'i IF ATKIN THAT HA- PRllVI SO VALUABLE AS SALT Paj Ert REN Fort PI RIFLING Till BLOOD AND KEEPING Till -YSTFM IIF LTHY AND AS A CUKE FOR BILIOUSNESS EP7KMA GOl a ul II il'M TI-M AS A OPPi rTlVE FOP LXCIS ES IN ltX)D AND 1'KINK SALT The Greatest of all Tonics A PROVEN REMEDY FOR Backache Mental Exhaustion TreniHture Decay Nervous Debility Siomarh Disorder! Brain-Fa SisspIeseneM Exhaustion NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE TO IRELAND Lualtud Neuralgia Rteum lisra Indirection I Bln Hyitak fsiraM HORKT ANK 1870 fVIE WAKING In the second half Albany kept the Old Boys defending ami goals were scored tn quick succession by Brunyee West Horper all the goals coming from lino centres by Grantham The Brothers Mackrill made the pace very warm in the opening half and would have scored several times could anybody have finished their good work Neff was (he only half who played up to form and Balfour kept a good goal behind two lather shaky barks Grantham Somerscales anti Brunyee in the front rank plaved splendidly together the first brilliant dribbling and centring being one ef the features of a verv good game Needier worked hard and well at half back and Mather was the best back on the field and all disorders consequent upon a reduced state of the nervous The Remedy of Kings Phosterine bas been supplied by Royal Commands To the Royal family I HM the Queen of Roumania HIM the Empress of Russia 1 HIX the Dowager Emorfs i)t HM tho King of Greece I llIii the Grand duch*ess dies)! And the Principal Royalty and Aristocracy throughout the Woii' Sett! ti 2 9 '1 1 PM live 13 a il 4 9 'i lue 29 size ecu ns neatly four limes thb 1-14 size An attractive booklet hag isntted bv the Great Western Railway Company a a preliminary announcement of the facilities which will be afforded in (oimection with fheir new direct route via Fishguard lie tween England and Ireland to inaugurated this summer Fishguard Harbour situated South Cardigan Bay will Ik the port of call on this side of St George's Channel It i proposed to run a day and a night orvice in each direction and through rail communication with all parts of England will be by means ot express trains For the IS UNRIVALLED Bold nty in Tina at Ed and la each and in Bttka at la 6d each EXPERIENCE AND 7RUITS UAVI PROVED i'H AT LOSALTS MILK -FOOD IS MOST TKITICU4 FOR rJFAaNTB AM) YOUNG CHILDREN AS ALSO TOR A DC LI'S Many iBttanotL- ciu Ik gieu uht-re weak ciii'tJrcn brought up on tin Ftod hie tiiriuB wo uief fully anl hu grosn up Btrcng Tigorou aud healthy Sold in 1 Tin only Thee r- 1t i ration may he had from ri emi-t or fr i th Piapr etora LOFTHOrSLI AM) gALI VltR HULL There was very little doing in North Lincolnshire on Satuidav the only League match BOOICS BR0W LEATfll fancy BROWNS LIBRARY IS THE PEST FOR ALL NEW BOOKS goal through Head Cl- 28 llalerd itrut Clurn Croee and 119 aiil 120 lit b-jiai net i Loudon IFHIIS BRANCH 9 CALI LANE Brsnchea also at AlaUlit Gr Livtipvo Lr-dlo A fc ASSETS AMI 616 171 ABILITIES AS4L196 SI RPLl A336420 LOAN I a 50 to £2000 granted on any at ol rc*nty TWO AND A II ALE IT It 1 1 NT INTEREST alkoacl on the 1 aoc- of Citrraat 4 -count I IN al i A vl clu and upward ruai cl oa t-tuji pe cent p-t annum itbjfxl to 3 month-' no cl withdrawal a 1 a 12 Special term fer lonser period Inlct'st tinarberly ln-t al ol' pcyinir larue Da idenela to Sbie-I ala at pay fair rate of Interval to om Depoait' and by doina hav ru--l the laailion hat we nn iouhledlj 'd lie pul cooQtUno We have been Hlab'tdied (or 36 yeirt an I our unifur po tion the Btnknj Word today after lo the uccea ol car bipincai inithoda ad to tne eiialaction ol oar cuatom 'r peclut tier A WILLIAMS aid II TALL Joint Managers ADVANCES FROM A5 to 000 IF YOU RFtlUIRE A STKltTLY PRIVATE ADV'AM' IMMi-DIATI LA upon jour OW MITE OF HAND Yon cannot do be mi th to app to -o ol eelalliau 0 otlice of goo I reptile Mr WOOL 1 1 1 ha tcn ewlahliyhed e-e 1879 SPECIAL FEATl KEd-No bull ol win taken Ch ad-an on bet rower own note of hand withnnt nhta nirg auietiet Di-tano no objei No fee rhargid The ed Rale of Intere-t accordirc to ri-V The fni o-' ng aid fuimlic rhai i nf I hi Office tit wHlely known and pulati'n aland uti lira lied PROPERTY SALE AT SELBY LARGEST AND REST SKIFrt TIOX or NEW BOOKS PRIZE BOOKS IN THOUSANDS We are al-o STATIONER- and Plt INTEP8 I i TR I II HAG I' PR Ml i' AlBi vs pllni'fI- pv- iii You can bubrribe for 4 week qtutttr or year ter wore the other scorers New Holland who have a net lead of one point have now only Barrow and Barton to play at home There should not be a great difficulty in defeating the first mentioned but the latter are Mire to prove a tough handful However being at New Holland the homesters might succeed in just scraping anil by so doing earn the cup They have shown a determined pirit second to none in the League for after a defeat or so early on they have continued to improve week by week- Both Barton and New Holland however have well earned their point so far and whichever team wins there will not be a big margin A BIIOVVN AND SONS I-TD SAVirK-STKKIOT KING KlWAIID-STI'KKT lle (Both Shops are connected up Custonieis walk troin one to Yesterday afternoon a goodly number assembled at the George Hotel Selby where freehold property situate in the East Riding was offered for sale by Messrs Richardson and Pearce-Brown of Selby lot I a freehold farm with 122a 3r 2'ip and large house known as Aughton Rhuddings Farm At JC 1500 the lot was withdrawn A freehold arable field containing lfia lr 5p adjoining the farm was s0i tor t3S0 being the bid of George Hnst of South Dnfliold near Selby Messrs Gaunt Hines ami Bottomloy of Bradford were the solicitors acting in the matter WOOD'S Celebrated Heme Made WHALEBONE f0 For GOOD VALLE and RELIABLE WEAR from 56 up to CORSETS ADE TO MEASI RE from 7 No Steel used only Real Whalebone cr Tail I sil fi Barfon were at home in a friendly with Giimshy Cyclists but the match was mole of a pantomime than serious foot Im 11 It wa oo one-sided for anything Bail on winning by the cricket score of 8--0 Barton Corinthians were beaten by two goal by Grimsby Wanderers WILL OF THE LATE MISS BODEN WOOD'S COBSET HANUKACTliltKIiS AND 135 HESSLE-ROAD HULL TEMERARE A NLW WATER PAINT 3LBS go WHICH IS A DISINFECTANT CHEAPER CLEANER AND BRIGHTER THAN OLOCIMVVSH WILL NOT KCB (U ONLY MIXING WITH WARM WATER IN WHITE NI) TEN MEAITIFUL fOLOURS Sold by all Dm itl ud Cbem it DAVIS AND SON VAPMSU PAINT AMI CULOl I ANUKACTCRl PS IO SI RU-T uml MYl ON -PLACE HILL fil STH ND STH KFT CiHIM'iBY SALE OF FREEHOLD LAND AT POCKLINGTON Mis Mary Ann Boden of Bootfcam late of the borough of Kingston-upon-Huil who died on the 12th February last left estate of the gross value of A'3127 12s 7d it eluding personalty of the nil value ot tli lit ltd Probate of her wdl has been gianteil to Mr Jam's Boden of 201 An la by I Sston-upou-Hull and her niece Mi Bcden of Salxlen Vicaiage Blakbmii At tlie nrw Lion Hole! Pocklitigton yesterday Mi-asr Hopper and Sons of lanyls offered for sale by public auction two closes Vu want putt her brewed fem matt and bop You pot it from oil licensed promises supplied by tho Hull Breweru Co Lid ot valuable Ireeholl land eituate at the junc-Luty ions Gf Barniky Moor and Bolton highways Lancashire wife of Itev Allied Ernest The land which i called the Tow din clerk TI1E BALLOON IS UP IN CHARIOT ST contains in all -Vr lr and 23p Mr Laughton ol Pockliugton became the pui-chuecr at ill la 10 11 Mr Willis without imputing motives if you will give me your undertaking to have no communication ith tho duehes until this ii after has been duly siftecl 1 will make it worth your while to carry that undertaking You I Make it worth my nlcss your demands are too hat I should demand would be this that you should raise my sister up oui of the giavi- into which you have bundled her and i st a 1 her here at Mallow as the Ditches- of Hat hel that is the only thing which would akc it worth my are struck me that in thinking you could make it worth my while to keen off the duch*ess- if might use such a figure of speech you ore Niiir you adopt that tone sir I have to irfoun you that steps will be taken hich will etf dually prevent you fiom causing annoyance to tin duch*ess of I annoy her not at all might anno you but annoy her the time don't let me kcc you from taking steps You talked about throwing mo down a while ao--ii- that the Mirt of step nn lal? Oiu more might I ask you to ring the 1 and 1 It the duch*ess ke iurormed that am at her Dism'ss t'nat idea from your mind Mr 'A ill's: -cu will rot sip (jfp duch*ese of It apjaears fhal there you really are mistaken I-ernuse here she While the duke wn still in the act of announcing that under nc circ*mstances would hi- visitor bo allowed to see her grace th' floor opened and before the duke could move or say a word to teep Iter out the duch*ess entered with -of nil people in the world-Mr Ivor Dacre at her heels Genuine Tailor 14 MIDI IT lopre a sat on Gate gin i 1 MI 0 CIIAMBEKs 4MI-ON TREET re mi: jlk iticni IL Hit 1 KU'PE rr IT I INFORMATION uhhu ricn FREE NoTF -Tiiia t'dii i area the borrov tr copy of every reuwi'trn Hoar- 10 to 3 Saturday 10 to 1 itiivr: mu by act of ivkuamlnt 1 rt I 1 II FINANCE CO 0 JOHN NTP EFT HULL trrTat ht 4 i iiiir-S) Mur vritbou ltolpmen 'tridly private sijrui X5 ta £20C0 to all in on tmple Khr'jo to Ir Abo4utt1y low tut mitmt hju tu iIn ii rity aH FOUjOVS -Lj LOAN 2 li'j 4C LOAN 1- 6 wetkjf £10 4 18 £21 7- I £100 1100 ti ctl ior YIueTi a sititf torjr lorijooHi Ltn I4n pl oT and in- tvd a i in1 ii tile Mock Trade 1 ti'iond Ditbtanm im otet The usual monej Our rtf loi" i It i known ApMf ni ironiwftf 1 4 TO i A1'AM'FU ou hoie XI Ol Hand al mil Ut kondA ii 1 1 itMruiM wliaUxti uou if No bi ol ti mi lla KICcI Ku ml lec-ipt oUou repteatntai ill vau up fu bj niolpiineit aid rdv sii Pie aria uut rti if- eMjaL! 1 ea it to nit uaa coie- i (i ii oo'ifi a ti ciuii Wilde: WUIE COR R'lil M'HPS Ilikl PlAI I LIC W1 it p'fON INCIAL TTXlON 61 Lir nON )4I IITCESTER I hlhid 1863) ADt 4Nf I C2R 'tarda Ihotnnt Re ith i D- Obji" Write IIOWB Mttng It) 4I1' M'Kt) imxiiyM iul oioldtiitiily ') ou day of appieatton to all rhaw ol induct ale paopio ou I'ly ii lieid a Oily w'li it tHndfaa Intoic I low I i to mt bo reer Honour-Me h'vl C'i 1 or write MAI7Klil Alanagtrl 27 tViiberi' i toi iby nl Hull ipnrate bousel TO £190 ADVANCED to all eta -v respvi ble pape on loiipie prominry note withoi't uin on day of aop iratioa Interiwt low Hepy easy All trensactioaa atnctly prvate Chll or to the Working Mea'a Loan Soenty IS ClwwiwalL oft Walmalay-atraat) Bpring bank Hull GOODMAN (Arlual Lender 13 PARK aQUARE LEEDS iTelephena 02750) kaa CARD APVANCIS DAILY from CIS apwarda upon apfiand Ml of Hand a Bauu fwrtrteat Seetway Dfurc Ba ahiacL FUamjiuMU mtl imuowviB SPRING FV UNITT RE WHY SliiH II VC NOt 3AYK A NICE '-HI WHEN Mf CAN CLT OUD AM ill'll I I'll MTU Kb Ac 'ROM DA 2i i f-STltf hull TUG WELL-KNOW Court iTf GuUaf I I' UN In ER toi fVh oi Ejj fnifnU' OP- in tho U'C Mill tfc 1 y8t GF-NKK At TERMS XS orth 2 XOu north 10 Mffklf EI0 ut it Mttklv nerf 1' XIS MorGi 1 MMk-j £)8C oiih 20 rckiy XJ0 nath 5 lor GKKA sAlF NOW ON SrX)IAI Oi-HHUNT lU CASH CUSTOAIERS A visit to her Salons respectfully invited THIS SUMMER and SHOW KAT TEL 1609i CHAPTER A INSTINCT The duch*esa of Dalchet was at 41 in the opinion of many per-ons who believed themselves not without reason to be well qualified to judge even more lovely than she had been at 31 and than ahe -was reigning beauty Here that type ef beauty which it up FOLLOWING DAYS.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.