How to Get Doja Cat into the House Party (2025)

The latest expansion to the edgy comedy adventure game House Party adds Grammy award-winning singer Doja Cat voiced by Doja Cat herself. If you do not yet have the DLC, click here to get it. Buying the DLC will open up a side storyline involving Doja as Madison’s new and mysterious neighbor, Amala. However, it’s your job to get Doja into the party. Now as Doja says in the game, there’s more than one way to skin a cat, but the method below is probably the easiest.

One small note to make is that a few times in this process you will be given the *LISTEN* option and you can always just click those. In the guide below, I only mention the dialogue options you have to say to get Doja into the party.

Talk to Amala

Once you enter the party, go to the fence in the backyard behind the pool. You should see it shake and hear someone muttering to themselves on the other side. There is a hole in the fence that you have to “Peek Into” in order to start the conversation. You have to choose what you say carefully as you can make Doja Cat get mad and leave, and although that does unlock an achievement, it’s not what we’re trying to do here. These are the dialogue options you should pick in the order you should pick them:

• Why don’t you kick down the fence?
• I guess I could do that.

Choosing the correct options will start the quest: Why Why (Can’t I Come to the Party)

Talk to Madison

Now go and talk to Madison. If you’re trying to speed run through this, remember that Madison doesn’t talk to you openly immediately. After you introduce yourself, give her some time before talking to her again. Once you do, you will get a few different dialogue options, the one you want to pick is:

• Any particular reason you don’t want to invite your neighbor to the party?

This will cause Madison to rant a bit about how annoying her neighbor is and, like any good middleman, you will have to go back to Amala and share this with her.

Back to Amala

Here you will have a few more dialogue options. These are the options you should choose:

• What do you think she said?
• Fan accounts?
• She said you were too noisy.
• How am I supposed to convince Madison?
• My face and I will gladly forget everything you just said.

Talk to Frank

Ay, it’s Frank. Talking to the buzz kill is important in your journey to getting Doja into the party because he’s the one that gets the revelation that Amala is actually Doja Cat. Here is what you say to him:

• Do you know anything about Madison’s new mystery neighbor, Amala?
• I’m just gonna ask, why are you tracking Doja Cat’s private jet?
• Answers to what?
• Thanks Frank, good talk.

Talk to Doja Cat

Return to Amala, who we now know is Doja Cat. Here are the options you should pick with a slight alteration at the end:

• Why don’t you just tell her you’re Doja Cat?
• That pun was purr-fect.
• Misson?

Now we have a branching-off point. You have two options to choose:

• My lips are sealed.
• No promises, I get a kick out of revealing people’s personal secrets.

This is where the multiverse branches. Picking the first option will get you +2 friendship with Doja Cat but using the method in this guide, you will get -2 friendship anyway. So, things will balance out. Doing the second option will net you an immediate -2 friendship. Either way, the choice is yours.

Talk to Madison

Now go back to Madison and spill the beans. Here is what you have to say:

• Regarding your mysterious neighbor Amala…
• She’s Doja Cat
Note: You can also pick “I can vouch for her. You should give her a chance.” but this will require you to gain Madison’s trust first. Slowing down the process.
• I can prove it to you!
• Have you actually gotten a close look at her?

Get the Camera

Almost there. This is the home stretch. First, go to Madison’s room upstairs (right at the top of the stairs) and pick up the camera on her dressing table next to the blue vase. However, you can’t take a picture yet.

Go to the blue room on the other end of the house upstairs (the one Brittney is in) and on the table next to the computer is an SD card. Interact with the card and select “Use with…” and then select the camera in your inventory.

Take the Shot

Return to the hole in the fence and open your Inventory (I). Select the camera. This will give you a camera overlay. Get the angle you want and take the shot.

Show Madison the Proof

Talk to Madison one last time but instead of talking to her, give her the camera. She’ll make a comment about how you took her camera, but she’ll get over it. Select the following options:

• Sorry, but I had to prove it to you!
• How crazy would that be?

Extend the Invitation

Go back to that trusty peephole of yours and break the news to Doja Cat:

• I told Madison who you were. You’re good to come in.
• My bad! I’m sorry. Silver lining… You can still come on over!

Let Her In

That’s it. You have done it. Go to the front door and stare like a creep as she walks up to the house. It takes her a few minutes to get there but you should get a prompt on your screen that says “You hear something outside near the front door” when she arrives. Let her in.

Speak to Doja Cat once she’s inside to progress with her storyline. The rest is for you to play through because this guide is complete. Doja Cat is in the party.

For anyone who needs a disclaimer, you can’t do any funny business with Doja Cat in the game, a point that has resulted in the game getting review bombed on Steam. This isn’t all too surprising but considering the sort of game House Party is, it could come as a shock to some.

If you want to see Doja Cat in the game before picking up the DLC then check out my stream below where I slowly figure out how to get her into the party to fight her. And if you have already made up your mind on getting the expansion, click here to check out the Steam page and support the site.

How to Get Doja Cat into the House Party (2025)
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